Conscious Healing
Conscious Healing empowers you to take control over your health and happiness. It enhances your body’s healing powers using a holistic and integrative approach that combines natural and conventional therapies. You can prevent most chronic illnesses from occuring, and help recovery from all serious diseases including cancer, strokes, heart attacks, chronic arthritis and mental illness. The healing process is based on tackling the root causes of disease that tend to be common in all chronic illness to a greater or lesser extent. These are the following ten pillars of health:
Believing in your body’s healing power
Having a purpose in life and commitment to the future
Supporting your microbiome and natural immunity
Healthy nutrition
Exercising, moving, improving blood flow and oxygenation
Eliminating excessive stress and anxiety
Reducing your exposure to environmental toxins
Detoxifying your body
Inermittent fasting
Reducing inflammation that triggers many diseases
I overcame rapidly spreading bladder cancer (Stage3, Grade4) that was diagnosed in 2017. I was told I would have less than two years to live unless I had my bladder, prostate gland and lymph glands surgically removed, and that I needed to have this operation immediately as the cancer was rapidly spreading. I refused to have the operation and healed myself in less than twelve months using the power of my mind and natural therapies.
We now know the underlying causes of nearly all chonic illnesses and have the ability to heal these illnesses using the power of the mind and natural therapies. Less than 10% of illnesses are caused by inherited genes and even in these cases the risk of these diseases occuring can be reduced by adopting the the ten pillars of health.
My name is Trevor Morris and I am the founder of Conscious Healing and author of the book ‘The tree of becoming’.

BSc joint honours degree in Maths and Physics, London University
Diploma in Management Studies
Former Chief Environmental Protection Officer, Bradford UK
Qualified to practise:
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
Mindfulness and Meditation
Lives in Halifax, England