Integrative medicine attacks cancer by strenghening your own body’s defenses using natural therapies and alternative methods of treatment alongside conventional treatments. This appoach can prevent cancer developing and impoves the likelihood and speed of your recovery from cancer. The same approach will reduce your vulnerability to most other chronic diseases especially those that are often associated with ageing. The following interventions are often not considered by conventional treatment even though they are linked to the underlying causes of most chronic diseases including cancer:
Strengthing your belief in your body’s own healing power
Having a purpose and enthusiasm for life
Reducing stress and anxiety
Removing environmental toxins
Exercising, moving, improving blood flow and oxygenation
Healthy nutrition
Detoxifying and intermittent fasting
Reducing inflammation
Supporting natural immunity and the microbiome
Using conventional medical interventions when necessary to remove and kill cancer cells. This may include surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy
Using herbs, spices, essential oils and mushrooms that target cancer cells
Oxygenation of tissues
Alkalization of tissues surrounging cancer cells
Starvation of cancers
You can receive more detailed free information on any of the above interventions by clicking on Contact Us and asking for the information you would like to receive.
It is very important to make your own decisions about treatment, based on the best available research and in consultation with your medical practitioner(s). The integrative approach, using both conventional and natural healing, is becoming more popular and is called integrative therapy or functional medicine. There are now professional doctors trained in integrative oncology specializing in treatment and recovery from cancer.
Some of the the Natural Therapies outlined on this site may also help your recovery from cancer.
Your beliefs and attitudes have a direct effect on the physical processes that take place in the body. This is now accepted knowledge based on our understanding of the placebo and nocebo effects on healing and our knowledge of epigenetics. The following two books by well-known authors are worth reading:
How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body
David Hamilton
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles
Bruce Lipton
The placebo effect is known to be very powerful. If you believe a drug, herbal remedy or treatment will make you better, it is much more likely that your will recover from your illness. It is important to believe in the innate ability for the body to heal itself.
Conversely, the nocebo effect is equally powerful. If you believe something is bad for you, or if a doctor of professional healer tells you that you have probably only twelve months to live, this can have a very detrimental effect on the progress of your illness.
Over the past few decades, our understanding of genetics has radically changed and we now know that genes that we inherit, that may cause cancer, can be switched on or off depending on their surrounding environment. This environment is strongly influenced by our state of mental health, nutrition and pollutants and toxins to which we are exposed.
Another area of increasing interest is that the body can produce new healthy cells from undifferentiated cells called stem cells.
In 2018 I experienced full recovery from advanced bladder cancer after surgical removal of a tumour and the use of natural medicines and integrative therapies. I was told, following the removal of my tumour, that I would die unless I had my bladder, prostate gland and associated lymph nodes removed within the next couple of months. This was because the cancer had invaded the bladder wall and would spread rapidly through the wall and invade other organs. I refused to have this surgery believing I could heal myself using natural therapies. I treated myself with cancer killing herbs, spices, Chinese mushrooms, and essential oils. No cancer could be detected six months later. I also attended a virotherapy clinic in Latvia where I received various forms of integrated therapies including virotherapy, acupuncture, nutritional advice, and art therapy visualizing the death of the cancer cells.
None of the information provided here is meant to replace professional medical advice.