Conscious Healing empowers  you to take conscious control over your health and happiness

Conscious Healing empowers  you to take conscious control over your health and happiness


Change your life


It uses your own body’s healing powers, the healing power of nature and the power of your subconscious mind to create the life of your dreams

Conscious Healing

Conscious Healing empowers you to take conscious control over your health and happiness. It taps into the power of your conscious mind to release unconscious conditioning  that prevents you creating the life of your dreams. It also enhances your body’s own healing power using an integrative approach to healing that combines the best natural and conventional therapies.
designed this website and Trevor Morris is the founder of Conscious Healing and author of the book ‘The tree of becoming’.

BSc joint honours degree in Maths and Physics, London University
Diploma in Management Studies
Former Chief Environmental Protection Officer, Bradford UK

Qualified to practise:
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
Mindfulness and Meditation

Lives in Halifax, England

You can receive FREE information on top topics for health and happiness from Conscious Healing by leaving your e-mail address at the ‘Contact Us’ page of this website.
This information includes  tips on ‘How to avoid the underlying causes of nearly all chronic illness’  and  help prevention and recovery from cancer. To join my mailing list, please leave your details at the ‘Contact Us’ page of this website.


Natural Therapies

This page gives you access to useful information on a range of natural therapies that can support ‘conscious healing’ to:

Make changes in your life
Improve your health
Become your true authentic self

These therapies will help you overcome both physical and psychological barriers that stand in your way. They are not alternatives to conventional medicine but should be used as part of an integrative approach to healing. You should continue to consult a medical professional for any concerns you have about your physical or mental health.


In recent years there has been progress treating many forms of cancer using conventional therapy, but for certain cancers there has been little progress for decades.

The incidence of cancer is growing partly due to the ageing of the population and also increased levels of toxicity, deficiencies in the food we eat, and increasing levels of organic and inorganic chemicals in our environment.

Integrative therapy combines conventional medicine with natural forms of healing using a more holistic approach. It focuses on reversing the underlying root causes of disease that lead to chronic illness over time.

The Tree of Becoming

The Tree of Becoming

This book contains a treasure trove of guidance, inspiration and practical exercises.
THE TREE OF BECOMING successfully draws upon a range of spiritual teachings and indicates how these are relevant and applicable today. Within these pages you will be delighted by the masterful arrangement of such topics as cultivating gratitude, giving and receiving love and creating a sense of well-being in your life. The book also provides a series of simple, enjoyable yet powerful exercises that can be easily incorporated into your daily life.
Endorsement by Dr Melanie Chan, Author

Talks and workshops

Conscious Healing offers a series of short talks outlining the benefits of Integrative Medicine and weekend workshops on how to Transform your Life and make the changes you wish to make in your life.


These cover numerous areas of particular interest usually of an unusual nature. For example this illustration relates to a blog about The third Essene Mirror. This mirror reflects back to us something we have lost, given away, or had taken away in our life.