Is there a personal relationship in your life that you would like to improve or you are not sure about? For each of the statements in the following list, note the statement a, b, or c that most accurately describes this relationship.

There are stories and parables in scriptures from many faiths that impress on us the importance of seeking for the truth:
Let him who seeks not cease from seeking
Until he finds
And when he finds
He will be turned around

See and feel beauty
If you choose to see and feel love and beauty around you, it will transform your life - even if you do nothing else. I understand, the more problems you have, the more difficult this will seem at first. But if you try, you will…

The tree of becoming
This book is currently available in paperback and kindle edition from amazon:https://wordery.com (free worldwide delivery)www.bookdepository.com (free worldwide delivery)www.amazon.co.uk (free delivery in UK) www.amazon.com (free…

Give a little every day
Make a conscious effort to do one special thing for someone every day. The key thing is to deliberately choose to do something that will make someone else happy. Here are some ideas for special things you could do, but remember to…

The real meaning of the virgin birth
How did the belief that Jesus was born of a virgin come about and what does it really mean?
The answer is in Jesus's own words:
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he…

The first Essene Mirror
Ancient spiritual texts refer to seven mirrors that reflect back to us our inner selves.
The FIRST MIRROR reflects to us who we are, and what energy we are sending out into the world in the present moment. It is to do with our attitude…

Attract your soul mate
Repeat these affirmations before you go to sleep at night:
I am a beautiful and lovable person.
I am ready to commit myself to an intimate and loving relationship.
I am…

The kingdom of heaven: water into wine
.The meaning of the parable of Jesus turning water into wine (John 2: 1-11) is that if you love your neighbour and show compassion to all living beings (water) you will receive the Holy Spirit (wine) from your Father that is in Heaven.