Find peace within
Find peace within yourself
When the soul contemplates in herself and by herself then she passes into another world; the region of purity and eternity, and immortality, and unchangeableness, which are her kindred, and with them she ever…

Ask and you will receive
What did Jesus mean when he spoke the following words:
Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible…

The tree of becoming
This book is currently available in paperback and kindle edition from amazon:https://wordery.com (free worldwide delivery)www.bookdepository.com (free worldwide delivery)www.amazon.co.uk (free delivery in UK) www.amazon.com (free…

Break your chains
The chains that bind you are extremely powerful as they reflect back to you in no uncertain terms the effects of addictive and obsessive patterns of behaviour in our lives that are deeply ingrained in our psyche. These patterns are often…

Feeling envious of others
Feeling envious of other people often relates to things we have lost, given away, or had taken away. When we see something we love and desire in another, it is often something we desperately need in our own life.
It could be joy, innocence,…

Help to recover from cancer
This is the remedy that I use to help people recover from cancer.
I am not recommending this as an alternative to conventional medical treatment. However, whether you choose to use conventional treatment or not, I believe this potion will…

How to overcome insomnia
I have experienced two bad periods of insomnia in my life and I know just how exhausting and demoralizing this condition can be. I no longer suffer from insomnia as a result of changes I have made in my habits and attitudes…

Emotional Freedom
How do you achieve emotional freedom so that you are not dependent on others for your happiness?
BE YOURSELF and do not allow others to push you into doing things you don't want to do, or to be a person you don't want to be. By…

Give a little every day
Make a conscious effort to do one special thing for someone every day. The key thing is to deliberately choose to do something that will make someone else happy. Here are some ideas for special things you could do, but remember to…

Try not to judge others
Things we judge about others tend to keep cropping up in our lives. There are somethings or certain types of people we have an emotional charge with, often something or somebody we have either been wounded by in the past or have…