This mirror is the most difficult to understand and certainly the most difficult to accept. It reflects back to us all that is wrong in ourselves and all that is wrong in society. In this sense, it only reflects back to us what is within…

The mirror of darkness reflects back to us the Quest for Darkness or what is often referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. This is the time when we are forced to confront our greatest challenges and our greatest fears. Life never gives…

The mirror of family
The mirror of family is the mirror provided by your mother and father. It reflects back to you the spiritual qualities you need to develop within your inner self. These qualities are those of your divine 'mother' and 'father' that you need…

Break your chains
The chains that bind you are extremely powerful as they reflect back to you in no uncertain terms the effects of addictive and obsessive patterns of behaviour in our lives that are deeply ingrained in our psyche. These patterns are often…

Give a little every day
Make a conscious effort to do one special thing for someone every day. The key thing is to deliberately choose to do something that will make someone else happy. Here are some ideas for special things you could do, but remember to…

Try not to judge others
Things we judge about others tend to keep cropping up in our lives. There are somethings or certain types of people we have an emotional charge with, often something or somebody we have either been wounded by in the past or have…